Our mission is to empower you to live a Zen-inspired life of openness, empathy, and clarity.
Upcoming Programs
Saturday, February 15, 2025 | 1:00 PM | Online Only
Open Your Heart,
Trust Your True Nature
In these turbulent and confusing times, many yearn for clarity to see a way forward. When your attention is fragmented and busy, it leads to greater anxiety and stress, making it difficult to appreciate the gift of life and your own uncondtional basic goodness. Formerly called the “Foundations of Mindfulness”.
March 9-15, 2025 (Full 7 Day) | March 9-12 (3-Day Option | Hybrid
Seeds of Renewal Returning to the Source
In times of rapid change and disruption, it’s important to ground ourselves in spiritual practices that allow us to have a larger view of our world. To be resilient in the face of such challenges, our Zen tradition offers significant meditation retreats called sesshins. This Japanese word consists of two characters that mean “to integrate the mind and heart”. Join us for this powerful experience to nurture seeds of renewal and return to the source through intensive Zen meditation practice. The retreat will be lead by our two Zen Teachers who have decades of experience working and leading others in this deep transformational practice.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 7-9 PM | Online Only
Suspend Not-Knowing for a fun night of online Trivia with our Sangha community! Invite friends and family to form a trivia team! This virtual fundraiser is a great opportunity to bring everyone together from any location to socialize and support the Center. Form your own team to 4 to 6 or register solo and we’ll assign you to a team.
March 22, 2025 @ 2:00 PM | 6 Week Course | Combinations of Hybrid and Online Only
Release Your Creativity Energy and Renew Your Writing
Have you been working on a book or writing project for years? Have you used vacation time “to write” only to not write at all? Have you been describing the same book project for years but no further along than you were last year? Have you been thinking about a book or writing project and not started it? Welcome to Our World! We may have a book or writing project inside of us that we want to exist – and yet, it doesn’t make it from head to hand to readers. Why is that? Can we change that?
The course will be limited to 10 people.
Welcome to the Zen Center
Every day, people just like you step through our doors – CEOs and students, believers and skeptics, all searching for clarity. We understand the burdens you may carry: the depression that colors your world gray, the stress that tightens your shoulders, and the burnout that dims your spark. We’ve walked this path before and we’ve found something worth sharing.
1. First Steps on the Path
Imagine standing at the threshold of a new world – one filled with peace, wisdom, and connection. Join our Zen family by attending any of our free events, such as our Sunday Morning Zen program or our weekly morning online meditation.
2. Getting Started
Zen meditation and the cultivation of mindful awareness form the core of our practice, offering profound benefits such as stress management, deeper relationships, and a richer life experience. Begin your journey with our four-part Meditation for Everyone course.
3. Embrace the Zen Journey
Our Sangha welcomes all, from curious newcomers to dedicated practitioners. To help you understand better the nature of the Zen Spiritual Path, we suggest you take our course, the Path of Zen. The next step is to consider joining the Center as a member. There are two kinds of membership at the center.There are several ways to participate as a member. You may become a supporting member paying monthly dues to help support our mission You may also choose to embark on a serious Zen path of training.
4. Finding Your True North
As you delve into your Zen practice, a world of self-discovery unfolds before you. The ordinary is extraordinary–each moment a revelation, each breath a miracle. Your journey may lead you to take the Jukai ceremony, where you embrace the sixteen precepts under your teacher’s guidance.
Our Mission
To empower you to live a Zen-inspired life of openness, empathy and clarity.
Get in touch
Become a member
There are different ways to become a member. Join today and help us fulfill our mission, and let us support your practice.
Meet our Abbot, Roshi Robert Althouse
Schedule a 30-minute online interview with Roshi to learn more about ZLMC and Zen practice.