Robert Kanjo Schwoch

Robert Schwoch has been a member and Zen student at ZLMC since 2019. He is certified by ZLMC as a “Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher”. A lifelong resident of Milwaukee, he is currently a freelance writer and serves as a lecturer and advisor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He began his career as a sportswriter at several Wisconsin newspapers including the Milwaukee Journal, went on to report on politics for the Capital Times in Madison before serving 10 years as a communication specialist and chief of legislative staff in the Wisconsin State Assembly and Senate, then struck out on his own as a political communication consultant and eventually a writer and teacher after completing an MFA in writing and literature at Bennington College. He is one of the few people - perhaps the only person - to have led both Democratic and Republican legislative offices at the Wisconsin Capitol. He teaches courses in strategic communication, sports reporting, literary journalism and creative nonfiction at the University of Wisconsin.

Dharma Talks by Robert Kanjo Schwoch