Member Profile
Rev. Diane Myogetsu Bejcek
I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago and with the exception of living for a few years in Knoxville, TN and Rochester, NY, I have remained a Chicagoan. In spite of the unpredictable nature of Midwestern weather we have enjoyed living close to the beautiful City of Chicago. Currently, I live in Melrose Park with my wife, Laura, and our big goofy Golden Retriever, Molly. I completed my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology many years ago and became a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. I have worked in many academic institutions but have really enjoyed being in private practice. Currently, I work as a Consulting Psychologist with DCFS and social service agencies to provide psychological assessment, clinical supervision, and consultation. I particularly enjoy working with children and find their honest expression and spontaneity refreshing. I think I have always been a buddhist at heart, even when I didn’t really know what it was. I devoured books, techniques, whatever I could find as I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, and tried to cultivate some kind of meditation practice. One of my earlier influences was reading the books by Alan Watts, “The Wisdom of Insecurity” and “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass. They sparked a desire to search for some type of formal study, practice, teacher, whatever I could find to cultivate a spiritual life. I began formal Buddhist study and practice within a Tibetan Buddhist lineage and practiced for about 12 years, even ordaining as a Buddhist nun. It provided a certain structure and profound introduction to the Dharma and to Buddhist practice. The Zen tradition has been so meaningful as well, leading me to ordain as a Zen Priest several years ago. Zen practice is beautiful for its simplicity and profundity and teaching us to embrace the present moment, whatever that is, and however it manifests in our life.