Social Groups
The OPEN HEART CIRCLE is an intimate group that has heartfelt discussions about the many differences in our world and the way in which we can open our hearts to others. generally meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM CT. At the present time, this circle is only open to ZLMC Members and is online only. Stewards: Diane Bejcek and Jacquelyn Weiner-O’Shea.
For more information on this circle, please email Jacquelyn at jwomft@gmail.com.
Join the POETRY CIRCLE to explore and share the wonders of poetry weekly. Fridays 8-9 AM CT.
Zoom Link Contact Group Steward: Mark Gelula at mgelula@gmail.com for more information.
The Women’s Circle is on hiatus. Contact Roshi June if interested June.tanoue@zlmc.org.
The PEOPLE OF COLOR CIRCLE fosters a sense of community and comradery for those who identify as people of color.
We are on hiatus until the new year. Zoom Link. Contact Circle Steward: Roshi June Tanoue at june.tanoue@zlmc.org for more information
The INTERFAITH CIRCLE will meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. The group plans to explore the relationship between our Zen studies and our religion, faith and philosophy of birth, heritage, and choice . . .
Meetings are online only.
For more information, please contact the Circle Steward, Ken Hillman at ken.hillman@me.com
The STUDY CIRCLE is currently on a break until January 2025.
Circle Steward: Skye Lavin- skyelavin@gmail.com
Join the STITCHING SUTRA CIRCLE for our ‘crafting for a cause’ circle! Anyone interested in the fabric arts (knitting, sewing, crocheting) is welcome! No experience is necessary. We will work together to create beautiful handmade items for donation to good causes.
In the first year of the Pandemic, inspired by the history of generations of women working with their hands, we invited anyone who wanted to knit, crochet, or sew to help us create a group. Although we had to meet primarily online at that time, in 2022 we were able to donate a beautiful knitted patchwork afghan to Housing Forward. In both 2022 and 2023 we also donated hand-knitted scarves for the annual ZLMC auction to help raise money. In 2023 we also donated another beautiful knitted afghan to Sarah’s Inn. It was a communal effort. For more information and if you’re interested in joining us, please contact Robin Sheerer at: robinsheerer@gmail.com. Beginners are welcome.
We meet on the fourth Monday of the month 7-8:30 PM CT in-person or online. Zoom Link
The Earth Stewards Circle is committed to exploring and promoting ways for the sangha to combat global warming and protect our earth's precious resources.
Heads up: The circle meets the second Monday of each month @ 8:00 am. Click here for zoom link.
For more information on the circle, contact Circle Steward, Blair Barbour.
Video “Just Pick it Up” by Marni Curtis, a ZLMC member and member of the Earth Stewards Circle. She describes here her practice of picking up plastic. The Earth Steward Circle also sponsors a plastic collection program that turns plastic into park benches which are donated to local non-profits.
Every year, another 10 TRILLION plastic pellets are entering the ocean. These pellets are notoriously hard to clean up. Sometimes, authorities don't even try.1
Plastic pellets are polluting our waterways and threatening our health. Tell Gov. J. B. Pritzker: Take action on plastic pellet pollution.
Almost every plastic item is made from nurdles, which are manufactured from gas or oil, shipped to factories, and then melted and poured into molds to make just about every plastic product in existence, from plastic bags to plastic bottles.2