
Free weekly morning meditation Monday through Friday

Weekly Schedule:

  • Monday – Friday (Online)
    7:00–7:45 AM

  • Tuesday (In-person Only) @
    ZLMC (46 Lake St in Oak Park, IL)
    (Beginning Mar 18, 2025)
    6:00–6:45 PM

  • Saturday (Online)
    Meditation 8:00 – 8:20
    Check-in 8:25–8:45 AM

  • Sunday mornings (Hybrid)
    9:00–9:20, 9:25–9:45 AM

Online and In-Person Weekly Meditation

Join us for our FREE, weekly morning meditation Monday thru Friday from 7:00 to 7:45 AM. This is done in a “freestyle” so you may come and leave as your schedule allows. You may join online or in-person at the Zen Center located at 46 Lake Street in Oak Park, IL 60302. Zoom link.

Tuesdays starting March 18 from 6:00–6:45 PM | In-person Only

Beginning March 18, we hope you can join us at a new in-person, evening meditation time on Tuesday nights. This offering will follow a “freestyle” format, where you may come and go during the meditation time as your schedule allows. Meditation instruction for newcomers will be available and time for tea to follow.


The Gateway to Zen-inspired Living

At the Zen Life & Meditation Center, we believe the path to awakening begins with a foundation of deep well-being–physical, emotional, and spiritual. For over 40 years, we’ve guided seekers to this wholeness through the transformative power of mindfulness meditation.

Our approach is unique. Rooted in the White Plum Lineage, we blend timeless wisdom with modern insights from neuroscience and psychology. This synthesis offers you more than just techniques: it provides a comprehensive understanding of how mindfulness can radically enrich your life.

Discover the Scientifically-Proven Benefits

  • Stress Alchemy: Turn down the volume on stress hormones like cortisol. Experience how the simple act of mindful breathing can transform chaos into calm.

  • Laser-like Focus: In a world of endless distractions, mindfulness hones your attention to a fine point. Watch as tasks that once seemed daunting become effortless.

  • Emotional Mastery: Move from being tossed by emotional storms to navigating them with grace. Mindfulness teaches you to observe feelings without being overwhelmed, a cornerstone of Zen resilience.

  • Restful Recharge: Replace restless nights with deep, rejuvenating sleep. As your mind settles into the present, the worries that once kept you awake dissolve

  • Pain to Peace: Whether physical discomfort or the ache of loss, mindfulness offers a pathway through pain. It’s not magic, but a profound shift in relationship to what is.

  • Heartful Connections: As you cultivate self-understanding, watch your relationships bloom. Mindfulness nurtures empathy and clear communication, turning conflicts into connections.

  • Zen-inspired Living: Beyond mere relaxation, discover a life of purpose and presence. Mindfulness opens the door to gratitude, contentment, and the joy of being fully alive right here, right now.

Begin Your Journey Here:

Our Meditation for Everyone course is your first step. In just four weeks, learn practices that sages have used for centuries and that modern science now validates. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, deeper focus, or a taste of Zen wisdom, you’ve found your path.

Join our compassionate community in our serene Oak Park center or from the comfort of your home. In a world that often feels overwhelming, your journey to clarity and calm starts here, with a single breath of mindfulness.