Honoring Our Ancestors
Ancestor Memorial Wall at ZLMC
None of us stand alone. Our beloved ancestors form a foundation for our lives and are always with us. Memorialize your loved one in the ZLMC Ancestor Memorial. This memorial space includes a representation of a “dry landscape” with raked white sand representing ripples in a pond. The placement of stones and plants within the enclosed area suggest tranquility, harmony, and elegant mystery. We pause and breathe into all that is transitory, spacious, and vast, as we honor our ancestors - friends and family.
Both the design and installation of this beautiful memorial were crafted by Susan Sensemann. You can remember and honor your loved one by adding their name to this beautiful memorial.
We regularly include the memorial and your loved one’s memory in our bi-weekly services.
Reserve a place in memory of your loved one today. After submission, ZLMC staff will reach out to confirm your loved one’s details to be placed in the memorial.
Purchase a Place for Honoring your Ancestor(s) on our Wall Today.
Special Memorial for Ancestors and Pets to take place on Sunday, September 10, 2023. Service will be followed by a potluck lunch in the garden.
Patron: $450
Supporter: $350
Participant: $250
Pet Memorial Wall at ZLMC
For many of us, our lives are tremendously enriched by our pets. They are a source of entertainment, companionship, and love. They pick us up when we are down, and find a hidden, vulnerable place in our hearts to settle in for a lifetime.
To honor this, we have erected a Pet Memorial in the gardens here at ZLMC. Both the design and installation of this beautiful outdoor pet memorial have been generously donated by Brent Showalter.
These shrine-inspired, weather-protected teak shelves with memorial stones and incense holder will be installed in the southeastern corner of the Zen Center garden, close to the shade of the plum tree.
You can remember and honor your beloved pet with a personalized engraved stone in this memorial. Reserve a place in memory of your pet today. After submission, ZLMC staff will reach out to confirm your pet’s details for the memorial stone, and have your stone crafted and placed in the memorial.
Roshi June and Roshi Robert with their pet dog, Mango at their previous home on the Big Island of Hawaii
Stone for Mango on Pet Memorial Wall
Purchase a Place for Honoring your Pet
on our Pet Memorial Wall Today.
Patron: $225
Supporter: $175
Participant: $125