Letter from President of Board, Robert Schwoch

You may download a pdf of this letter here.

April 30, 204

Dear sangha members,

At the end of each formal meditation session, we make four great vows: to free all from suffering, transform all delusions, open all dharma gates and embody the awakened way. Achieving these seemingly impossible goals is not the point. The point is our intention to move toward them moment to moment.

As president of the Board of Directors of the Zen Life and Meditation Center of Chicago, I’m writing to let you know we are seeking dedicated ZLMC members to serve on the board of the center, to replace those whose terms of service are finished. Please consider whether you or a fellow sangha member you know might wish to put their vows into action at ZLMC by serving on the governing board.

Members may apply for positions themselves or nominate another member they believe would be a good candidate for the Board of Directors. To apply for a position on our board, please complete the Board of Directors application form which is attached. To nominate a member, reply to this email with your nomination and we will contact the member to apply should they desire. Applications and nominations should be received by April 22 for full consideration.

Without an attentive board to consider and endorse important decisions about the operation of the center and fulfill the legal duties that allow us to function as a nonprofit organization, ZLMC could not exist. Serving on our board is fulfilling work that provides for a close relationship with fellow sangha members and an inside look at what’s happening with our center as it arises and occurs.

I treasure the privilege of being your Board President. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the other board members and sangha leaders co-signing this letter and copied on this email. We hope you’ll consider serving alongside us in the upcoming term. 


Robert Kanjo Schwoch, President

The rest of the ZLMC board: Susan Akers, Sarah Cebulak, Julie Kase, Karleen Manchanda, James Sullivan, Jeremy Sullivan, Roshi June Ryushin Tanoue, Linda Gyokuzan Warring 

Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse,
Abbot, Zen Life & Meditation Center, Chicago