Zen Heart Way
Zen Heart Way is a program of the Zen Life and Meditation Center which offers assistance and compassionate care to those in need. Administered by the priests of ZLMC, and lovingly carried out with assistance of our Sangha members, we attempt to reach out to those who may be marginalized or at risk.
If you know of anyone who may need our assistance, please contact Linda Gyokuzan Warring or speak directly to any priest.
This is possible because of you. Your generosity is our sole support.
Zen Heart Way is a program of Zen Life & Meditation Center, a 501(c)(3)
Program Contact:
Rev. Linda Gyokuzan Warring
(708) 690-1220
Zen Heart Way is a program of Zen Life & Meditation Center, a 501(c)(3)
Program Contact:
Rev. Linda Gyokuzan Warring
(708) 690-1223
Recent Zen Heart Way Beneficiaries (all names changed for privacy)
Anna is the mother of four children. Although she is estranged from the children’s father, he remains involved in their lives and consistently provides financial support as much as he is able. Making ends meet is difficult at best and her youngest children are in need of winter coats. ZHW gave Anna a gift card from Target which she used to buy clothing and a few simple Christmas gifts for her children.
Steven has multiple disabilities and is a cancer survivor. He is in almost constant pain and has difficulty walking. Needless to say, leaving his house and going to the store can be a monumental event. A friend of Steven’s started a Go Fund Me Page. ZHW contributed to this fund to help Steven purchase a portable electric scooter.
Sam recently moved into a new apartment and was living without a bed, mattress and something to sit on. Sam cannot afford to purchase furniture on his own. ZHW assisted Sam by purchasing some affordable used furniture in order to help him have some basic necessities in his new home.
Peter is an older adult who is disabled and currently without income. He stretches out all available items to meet his basic needs, or he has gone without. Due to cost, Peter has not been able to afford haircuts and experiences a lowered sense of self-worth as he struggles to care for his personal needs ZHW gave Peter gift card which he used to buy a hair clipper, cleaning and hygiene supplies and some food.
Sheila is a young mother who has a child with special needs. There are a lot of struggles in her life right now. Her living situation isn't the best and her wages are inconsistent. Right now she is renting a car, but that is draining her resources. In addition, she recently lost a close family member and is under a mountain of grief. We are giving her a gift card to help ease her burden.
Joe lives alone in a one room apartment. He has to walk to the grocery store which is several blocks away and uses a cart to transport his groceries. Because the cart is small and worn out, he usually needs to make three or four trips. We purchased a new four wheel shopping cart for Joe which will allow him to make one trip instead of four.
Gabriela is a single mother of three children. One of her children has special needs and was recently hospitalized. Gabriela has cerebral palsy and is not able to work. She is currently recovering from the covid virus. Gabriela is also a victim of domestic violence and a breast cancer survivor. Her deep faith is the source of her amazing resilience. We gave Gabriela a gift card help ease her journey.
Esperanza is a mother of two children and a survivor of domestic violence. A life-long struggle with depression and hospitalization makes consistent employment difficult. Zen Heart Way was able to furnish Esperanza with a gift card to help meet basic needs.
Bill is a prisoner currently under home confinement due to the pandemic. As a condition of his incarceration, he is not allowed access to a computer. Zen Heart Way furnished Bill with several books to help support his meditation practice.
Mary is a divorced woman with three children. She works part time and is actively looking for full time employment. Like so many people these days, Mary struggles to make ends meet. Recently, she was faced with the difficult choice of paying the rent or repairing her car. Zen Heart Way stepped in to assist Mary with her car repair bill to enable her to continue looking for work and transporting her children.
John is a working professional whose practice was decimated by the pandemic. He recently was struggling to make his housing payment. Zen Heart Way assisted John in making his payment to keep his home.