Zen Training
Zen Students have a formal relationship with either Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse or Roshi June Ryushin Tanoue, both fully empowered Zen teachers and Zen priests in the White Plum Lineage.
This may include precept study, koan study, regular dokusan/daisan interviews with one’s teacher, learning sutras and doing Buddhist services, sitting in regular sesshins (meditation retreats), and participating more actively in the leadership circle at ZLMC.
Before becoming a Zen Student at ZLMC, we recommend you spend some time with our Sangha. Get to know some of our teachers and community members. If you are new to Zen, we recommend you take our Beginning Mindfulness Meditation course. The other two signature courses will also give you a richer contexts for understanding the nature of the Zen spiritual path and how we approach it at our Center. To begin, request a meeting with one of our Zen Masters and see if it's a good fit for you.
Studying and Receiving the Precepts
Once you become a Zen student at ZLMC you will take up the study of the Precepts with your teacher. When you have completed this study, you will have the option of receiving these precepts in a public ceremony called "Jukai". At this ceremony you will receive a Dharma name before the Sangha community which will witness your commitment to living a Zen-inspired life of personal integrity, clarity and compassion.
Resources: Glossaries and Teachings