ZenLife Blog
An Appropriate Response – The Four Dignities
In the Buddhist tradition, the path of the Bodhisattva is well laid out. In the Shambhala teachings Chogyam Trungpa spoke of this as the path of a spiritual warrior. Part of this practice uses four metaphors known as the Four Dignities. These are the Tiger of Meekness, the Snow Lion of Perkiness, the Garuda of Outrageousness and the Dragon of Inscrutability. These four metaphors can help guide us in discerning an appropriate response.
It is Recognizing of the Right Thing
How do we cultivate pono? We have to look deeper into the meaning of pono to be able to understand it. Pono means realizing your kuleana (responsibilities) which includes traditional and current protocols or procedures. Then we must follow these procedures with disciplined intention. Pono blossoms when we are mindful and aware of our actions and how they impact others.
Son’s of Halawa by Jason Poole
This practice of staying present is intense! It’s hard to stay in the moment. I struggle to not get tangled up in thoughts of “I should have done this…” or “Someday I will…” And coming back to the present moment can be exhausting! But the most beautiful thing about this practice is that my teacher offers me the same presence.