Earth Watch Blog
Pesticides are Killing Bees
Dear ZLMC members,
I received the article below via an email from the Executive Director of the Illinois Chapter of the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) and thought it would be of interest to our sangha. It documents a public health issue that has very serious consequences. It also has well-documented footnote references with clickable links.
Agrochemical companies are trying to keep harmful chemicals on the market. We're standing up against their manipulation tactics.
How can I get Forever Chemical Out of My Life - NY Time Article by Hiroko Tabuchi
“Forever chemicals,” also known as PFAS, are everywhere. They’re in our water, our soil and in everyday items like cookware, mascara or waterproof clothing.
And there’s mounting evidence that this family of thousands of synthetic chemicals can increase the risk of some types of cancer, developmental and fertility issues, and other health problems. So it makes sense to limit our exposure to them.
That’s easier said than done.