Garuda of Outrageousness – Part 3 of Four-Part Series

The Tiger of Meekness has laid the ground for the path. The Lion of perkiness has brought forth the discipline and energy for walking the path itself.

The garuda is said to be the king of birds. A fierce bird, it hatches fully-grown from its egg, stretches its wings and soars into outer space. Its state of mind is vast and spacious. It does not compare, calculate or manipulate. Its action is free and fearless.

Ego is constructed by maintaining reference points which solidify one’s territory. Ego is essentially based on fear; fear of losing one’s territory. This self-referential awareness creates hesitation and a lack of confidence. The Garuda transcends this hesitation overcoming timidity and acting with boldness and decisiveness.

For the Bodhisattva, change is not simply an intellectual concept but a deep truth at the heart of human experience. Such a spiritual warrior is free from the fear of dying. When you stop trying to control or fight with reality, you have enormous resources for working with yourself and others.

The biggest obstacle to freedom is our attachment to self. When the self has been deconstructed there is no longer anyone that needs to be defended, so you can afford to stretch your wings and act more courageously and fearlessly. When you align yourself with a truth larger than you small ego, you feel dignified and confident.

The warrior of outrageous is free from negative emotions so she is able to face whatever arises skillfully and fearlessly. This kind of confidence operates on an even-keel. This kind of equanimity is free from picking and choosing and treats everyone with respect and care. The warrior trusts in the basic goodness of human beings which is unconditional and free of dualistic polarizations. As a result her actions are skillful and in proportion to whatever context she finds herself.

Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse is the Abbot of the Zen Life & Meditation Center. He has been teaching for over 30 years and practicing for 50 years. He is also an artist and painter. He’s been doing digital paintings on his computer for the last 10 years. You can view his work at his site for Robert Althouse Fine Arts at JANUARY 26, 2022


Dragon of Inscrutability – Part 4 of Four–Series


Snow Lion of Perkiness (Part 2 of Four–Part Series