ZenLife Blog

Trusting the Dharma
Six Paramitas, Bodhisattva Vow, Spiritual Path Robert Althouse Six Paramitas, Bodhisattva Vow, Spiritual Path Robert Althouse

Trusting the Dharma

A teaching Joshin Roshi gives in the Six Paramitas: Courage and Grace Under Fire course is to trust the Dharma. The spiritual path need not be religious. It could very well be secular. But the Dharma while including science and physics goes beyond that. The logic of science is that 1 + 1 = 2. In the Dharma, 1 + 1 need not equal 2. It can equal anything because emptiness operates mathematically like infinity. So measurement doesn’t apply. The Dharma is a force-multiplier.

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Garuda of Outrageousness – Part 3 of Four-Part Series
Buddhism, Art Robert Althouse Buddhism, Art Robert Althouse

Garuda of Outrageousness – Part 3 of Four-Part Series

The warrior of outrageous is free from negative emotions so she is able to face whatever arises skillfully and fearlessly. This kind of confidence operates on an even-keel. This kind of equanimity is free from picking and choosing and treats everyone with respect and care. The warrior trusts in the basic goodness of human beings which is unconditional and free of dualistic polarizations. As a result her actions are skillful and in proportion to whatever context she finds herself.

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Snow Lion of Perkiness (Part 2 of Four–Part Series
Buddhism, Art Robert Althouse Buddhism, Art Robert Althouse

Snow Lion of Perkiness (Part 2 of Four–Part Series

This metaphor of the snow lion represents joyful discipline. You might have negative associations with discipline, remembering times you were forced to stay indoors and practice a musical instrument or do homework when all your neighborhood friends were playing outside. When discipline is imposed like this from the outside, it can seem suffocating. But here we are speaking of discipline that arises organically from within yourself.

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Setting Sail in Stormy Waters
Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse

Setting Sail in Stormy Waters

We are living through chaotic, unprecedented and unstable times. It can be hard to find your bearings. It seems we may have taken the values of our democracy too much for granted and now they need to be defended. We need to stand not only for core values but for each other.

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