Lynn Leinartas Passes

Long-time ZLMC member, Lynn Leinartas passed away on Nov. 23, 2024 after a terrible accident left her in a coma. Lynn worked as a research librarian, for the past 24 years. She spent much of her time in service to others and helped fund a member scholarship at the Zen Center for many years. She is survived by her husband, Edward, her son Michael, and her daughters Ananda, Christina, and Leela and other family members.

There will be a visitation at Woodlawn Funeral Home at 7750 Cermak Road in Forest Park on Friday, Nov. 29 from 3 to 8 pm. A Memorial service will be held for her at 10:00 am on Nov. 30 at the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association, 178 Forest Ave. in Oak Park. Everyone is encouraged to wear her favorite color teal, at the services.


“waking up” by Ann Ehringhaus


The Obstacles is the Path by Roshi June Tanoue