ZenLife Blog

Hippos on Holiday
Poem Guest Author Poem Guest Author

Hippos on Holiday

Hippos on Holiday is not really the title of a movie

but if it was I would be sure to see it.

I love their short legs and big heads,

the whole hippo look.

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Mindfulness: Mystery and Not Knowing
Mindfulness, Art Guest Author Mindfulness, Art Guest Author

Mindfulness: Mystery and Not Knowing

In Foundations of Mindfulness, Class 4: Living a Life of Openness, we speak about the first of the three tenets of a Zen Peacemaker: Not Knowing. What it is to not know something? In this culture of quick response time that technology demands, we react fast and faster.

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Saved from Freezing: the Spirituality of Art
Zen, Art Guest Author Zen, Art Guest Author

Saved from Freezing: the Spirituality of Art

I’m in my car, on the highway. I turn off the news reports and the baseball game I’ve been listening to and switch to a Beethoven violin sonata that’s loaded in the CD player. Listening to the music, my mind gradually starts to release, like a hand that had been grasping something tightly and is beginning to let go

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