ZenLife Blog

The Fruits of Your Generosity Come Due
Zen, Buddhism Robert Althouse Zen, Buddhism Robert Althouse

The Fruits of Your Generosity Come Due

Our New Home Fund Campaign will conclude at the end of this month, April 2019. So now it’s time to say thank you. Thank you to the hundreds of you who supported us with your generous gifts and your kind support. Thank you to all of you who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this dream a reality. Thank you to the artists who generously donated your art so that we can now enjoy the beauty of our Sangha together in this new home.

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Give No Fear
Zen, Compassion, Buddhism, Psychology Robert Althouse Zen, Compassion, Buddhism, Psychology Robert Althouse

Give No Fear

You have to be very honest with yourself. You have to be willing to really look at your own confusion. Meditation can help you be with your fear. Meditation helps you be in sync with your body, mind and heart. This grounded, embodied awareness shines a light on the dark corners of fear.

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