ZenLife Blog

First Noble Truth
Buddhism, Zen, Compassion Robert Althouse Buddhism, Zen, Compassion Robert Althouse

First Noble Truth

The first teaching Buddha gave after his enlightenment was the four noble truths. He gave a new meaning to the word “noble”. Until that point this word had been used to describe the upper-caste Brahmins in India’s caste system. So Buddha was suggesting someone was noble, not because of their social standing, but because they could open to the truth of suffering. He was suggesting that nobility came from within your own broken heart.

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Cracked Bell
Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse

Cracked Bell

I'm turing 68 in a few days, and I'm afraid my body is also falling short of the mark. It's so easy to gain weight, and a nerve in my neck and right arm get's easily inflamed making it difficult for me to sit meditation at all.

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