Michael Shikan Brunner Dharma Transmission Rescinded

On April 15, 2024, I rescinded Michael Brunner’s Dharma Transmission (Shiho). He no longer has my permission or blessing to function as an empowered Zen teacher (Denbo) or an empowered Zen priest (Denkai).

Shortly after receiving Dharma transmission from me on Sept. 3, 2022, Michael left our Zen Center and went to focus on developing the One River Zen Center in Ottawa, Illinois which he and his partner Vanessa Roddam co-founded together.

On March 20, 2024 it came to my attention that he had behaved inappropriately with a student in a way that was ethically egregious and a serious boundary violation. Since he was not open to working in a transparent way with those around him, I rescinded his Dharma Transmission and cut all formal ties with him.

As Zen students take on more responsibility, they also exercise more power, and how this power is used, either skillfully, or not, becomes a point of training and learning. Power wielded skillfully is usually shared. If there is too much power over others, there is a greater chance for abuse to take place. Those of us who have had the great good fortune to become empowered Zen teachers, receive our authority, not only from our teacher, but from our Sangha community.

From time to time, people fail to live up to high moral standards, and Zen teachers are no exception. But redemption is always possible, if we are willing to be held accountable. If we are transparent and work with ourselves and others in good faith, it’s always possible to restore the trust that has been broken.


Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse


“Teachings of the Great Mountain” Zen Talks by Taizan Maezumi Roshi


Organized Illumination