“Teachings of the Great Mountain” Zen Talks by Taizan Maezumi Roshi

Originally published in 2001, this has been out-of-print for many years, so we are grateful that Zen River has recently republished these intimate, clear teachings of Taizan Maezumi Roshi.

In Preface to this new edition, Tenkei Coppens, who edited these talks, writes: “We are very happy to present a new edition of Teaching of the Great Mountain, Zen Talks by Taizan Maezumi, a book published in 2001 by Tuttle Publishing which has been out of print for a long time.

As time passes, the value and relevance of Maezumi Roshi’s teaching only seems to increase. In this rapidly changing world it is such a relief to find a clear articulation of authentic Buddhist practice that connects us with masters and students from across the ages.

Maezumi Roshi’s intimate teisho reveal the core of our human calling and, perhaps paradoxically, turn out to be totally disarming and highly reliable at the same time. For me, his open, non-dogmatic, and multifaceted approach serves as a standard for the kind of training program we have been establishing in Zen River Temple.

This new edition is essentially the same as the one previously published – except for the cover pictures, and some details in lay-out and punctuation. Speak thanks to Doin van de Roer and Kangen van Henten for their technical expertise and to Seido Suzuki Roshi for his beautiful calligraphy that adorns the cover of this book.

May the Dharma flourish in the ten directions.

Tenkei Coppens, March 2024


Michael Shikan Brunner Dharma Transmission Rescinded