ZenLife Blog

Mindfulness in an Age of Distraction
Meditation, Mindfulness Robert Althouse Meditation, Mindfulness Robert Althouse

Mindfulness in an Age of Distraction

If you don’t take back your attention, others will do it for you. Mindfulness is an embodied awareness that can help you be intimate with yourself and others. It takes intention. It takes practice. It’s not a technique. It’s an act of courage in which you decide once and for all, to reclaim your life.

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ZLMC Statement on COVID-19 Virus
Zen Robert Althouse Zen Robert Althouse

ZLMC Statement on COVID-19 Virus

We are committed to protecting our members and visitors from flu, colds and other viruses. We hold all of you in our hearts as together we prepare to meet the current public health challenge facing our world, COVID-19. In times of increased stress, anxiety and fear, it’s important to calm the body and mind by practicing mindfulness in our daily lives.

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Getting Started with Meditation
Meditation Robert Althouse Meditation Robert Althouse

Getting Started with Meditation

So don't turn your meditation into a further struggle and war with yourself. Relax and begin to notice how your thoughts arise; how they come and go. You can't really pin them down. Awareness helps you to appreciate the greater environment in which your thoughts and emotions arise.

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Setting Sail in Stormy Waters
Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse Zen, Meditation Robert Althouse

Setting Sail in Stormy Waters

We are living through chaotic, unprecedented and unstable times. It can be hard to find your bearings. It seems we may have taken the values of our democracy too much for granted and now they need to be defended. We need to stand not only for core values but for each other.

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Attention Matters
Mindfulness, Meditation Robert Althouse Mindfulness, Meditation Robert Althouse

Attention Matters

Mindfulness is a powerful practice for harnessing your attention and directing it in intentional ways that change your brain and help you develop new habits for living a happier life. Understanding the relationship between mindful attention and changing your brain is empowering.

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