What is Appropriate Now

An empty bucket holds the blind depths of the well full of senses, the five senses, plus the extra one the sixth sensation cold vital water-images moisture, wood, mildew, spider’s web, sow Chinese ode to longevity and luck the speech of the spider is the fly My violet moon beam you are my friend, aren’t you? will you hold me when I cry even if it is stupid a game from childhood Alice’s water hole of tears the mad mother of hearts I get to be the Walrus this time, maybe you next.... I had this dream, the Buddha held up a flower his friend Mahaksyapa smiled and enlightened in my dream, I am dead in my coffin with a flower under my chin Will you remember me like a daisy, an electric blue chickoree, or poison red sumac buds, or a cloud in a puddle, a lone white loon? How many colors is nature? I count blood, I count sky I count the pink of the twilight hours In this dream, the flower at my neck is power, awakening Do you see the face in this droplet raised from the depths of the well? It is yours, take it may it satisfy your thirst for love eternally stay your hunger stay with me with icicles and sparrows and the crack of thin ice stay with me Skye Jigen Lavin


Humanity’s Wake Up Call


ZLMC Statement on COVID-19 Virus