ZLMC Statement About Racism

We at the Zen Life & Meditation Center, Chicago mourn the murder of George Floyd and stand with the families of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many more people of color who have lost their lives at the hands of white violence. Our country has never been more divided. It is our responsibility to transform the toxic views that feed racism and injustice in our nation. Racism has been a part of our nation from the beginning. It continues today as a part of our social justice system. This is why we say “Black Lives Matter”, because we must face the hard and difficult truth that people of color are systematically discriminated against by the police. We stand with all people of color and especially at this difficult time, with our black brothers and sisters to resist all forms of white violence. As practitioners of the Dharma we have a moral responsibility to uproot our own prejudice and racism, and to transform the systems of oppression that support this injustice today. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves about the historic roots of racism and oppression so that we can be a positive force for good. It is imperative that we face the suffering before us, and not turn away through silence or denial. The Zen Life & Meditation Center, Chicago is committed to a dharma of truth, justice, equity, inclusion and freedom. May all beings be safe and free from danger and harm. May all be at peace.


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